"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."

Local Outreach
We offer an ESOL (English for Speaker of Other Languages) class every Wednesday at 6pm.
We support the following missionaries in Georgia:
​Martin & Elizabeth Antoon - Reformed University Fellowship at SCAD
Nathaniel & Anna Kristin Miller - Reformed University Fellowship in Statesboro
Steven & Rachelle Smith - Abortuary ministry in Augusta with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship
Global Missions
We support the following missionaries across the world:
Steve & Margrit Thompson - OM Vienna Austria (street workers ministry)
Jud & Jan Lamos 18.26 Network/MTW - based in Belgium
C & G Taylor - MTW Asia
Aaron & Rachel Halbert - MTW church planting Tegucigalpa Honduras

Faith Promise
Anyone who wants to trust God and who wants to be used of God to get the Good News to the unreached can make a Faith Promise commitment. Through Faith Promise we commit funds above our tithe to fund missions locally and internationally.
Click here for a good resource explaining faith promise: FaithPromise-Booklet-MTW.pdf.